ELS 總部位於新澤西州 Princeton,是最大的美國和加拿大學院、大學和研究生課程國際學生招募機構。 全美和全加拿大的 600 多所大學認可 ELS 112 級,將完成該等級視為入學所需英語熟練程度的證明。 ELS 畢業生後來在他們的祖國成為了成功的教育工作者、商人和政府領導者。 但 ELS 輝煌成就最有力的證明卻是我們的畢業生,他們每一年都會將自己子女的教育託付給 ELS。
一般英語課程(一週20小時) (General English Morning (20hrs/wk))
I had to improve my English skills and I chose to take language courses at UEC, which is a private language school located in Sydney, Australia. I was very shy before, and worried a lot about studying abroad. However, I became very outgoing after taking courses at UEC! This was all due to the fun, active and student-centered classes at UEC. Also, enthusiastic and friendly teachers at UEC helped me a lot. They take care of each of the students and I received so much help from them. I really enjoyed my classes there. The school facilities were also very modern and clean. The school has various and specific courses for both juniors and adults. On top of that, every student could participate in so many social activities after school. I really enjoyed my sejour in Sydney, and I recommend UEC to every student who want to improve their English skills quickly and make wonderful memories! ------------------------------------
영어실력이 너무 부족하다 생각하여 여기저기 알아보다가 갑자기 그냥 왠지 호주가 팍 끌리더라고요 아마 UEC때문이 아닐까 싶네요ㅎㅎ
겁도많고 소심한 성격이라 타지가서 잘 생활하고 올지 걱정이 앞섰는데 UEC로
갔다 온뒤로 성격까지 활발하게 바뀐거같아요!!
그 만큼 학원 분위기가 너무너무 재미있었고 친절하고 세심한 선생님들 아래 많은 공부를 하다 왔답니다!
학생 개개인을 거의 필요이상으로 하나하나 봐주시고 챙겨주시는 선생님들 모습에 너무 인상깊었어요~~ 덕분에 영어공부가 재미있게 느껴질 정도였죠~
시설도 아주깔끔하고 쾌적했고 수업코스도 청소년,성인등을 위해 다양하게
짜여져있어서 제가 어떤 수업을 들어야할지 고민할 필요도 없었어요
그 밖에도 많은 액티비티활동이 있어서 참가하면서 공부하고 시간 가는줄 모르고 지낸거같네요~~ ----------------------------------------------------------