Study Destiny |
為什麼選擇Study Destiny呢? |
在 StudyDestiny 留學中心,您可以 直接使用我們的線上申請表格申請您 想要的學校。我們的系統將確認您的 申請,並檢查是否有遺漏或不準確的 地方。如果有問題,我們會讓您知道 需要修改的部分,所以你可以確保您 送出完整和準確的申請資料。一旦提 交了申請表格後,StudyDestiny 留學 中心會向您寄送電子郵件,確認您的 申請表格已成功發送到您所選擇的學 校。
線上的申請表格提供您在同一網 頁中,進行學校申請,提交表單以及 繳交申請費的功能。只要使用本網 站,您就可以直接申請指定的學校。 如果有任何遺漏或是錯誤的資訊,網 站會找出並讓您修正。一旦您提交了 申請表格給我們後,StudyDestiny 留 學中心將向您發送確認的電子郵件。
Cooperation Field |
(1) A person who has interests or worked with study abroad agency, travel agency, guardian, foreign correspondent
(If applying from overseas, person who has stayed overseas more than 3 years and willing to stay more than 5 years).
(2) A person or company who can share ideas on business affiliations with internet, intranet, DB of study abroad, etc.
(3) Study abroad agency, travel agency, school, private educational organization, company for affiliate marketing. |
Region |
(1) Internal
- Whole domestic region
(2) Internationalpriority region
① The United States: New York, Boston, San Francisco,San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle
② Canada: Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary
③ United Kingdom: London
④Australia: Sydney, Brisbane, Melborne
⑤ New Zealand: Auckland, Christchurch
⑥ Japan: Tokyo, Osaka |
Please inquire us with following direction and the person in charge will contact you.
Additional documents such as introduction of the company (with representative's resume), personal resume or a letter of self-introduction, business plan and status can be asked when needed. |